Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Unfair! D:

You know how your teacher asks you for a valid reason why you were absent? And by "valid", I mean like fever, muscle aches, dysmenorrhea, and other various types of sickness (and headache doesn't count anymore for some teachers!).

But what if you tell them, "Sorry ma'am, I was down in the dumps yesterday, so I didn't feellike coming to school." Would they understand? Would they tell you, "Oh, I see. Are you sure you're okay now? Why don't you go home today and rest?"

No! They'd say, "What? Just because of that!? You should have come to school! You've wasted blah blah blah..."

It's just so unfair. They'd only consider physical sickness as a valid reason for being absent. But being emotionally sick won't make them feel sorry for you. Don't they realize that even if you DO come to school while at that state, you would not be able to concentrate in your classes? And worse, they'd scold you for "not paying attention" and make you remain after class for detention..


-end of rant-

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Natsume's Poem (A Poem for Mikan)

I found this poem in the internet... It's soo cute...and sad at the same time... For all the Gakuen Alice fanatics out there who've read the latest chapters, I'm sure you can relate to this...

Natsume's Poem (A Poem for Mikan)

I have always lived in the darkness
Filled with much sorrow and emptiness
All my life I wished for power
To grow up quickly and make those people suffer

I gave up hope that I would break through
This den of isolation slowly grew
But unconsciously I serached for the light
Warm and gentle, shining so bright

Then I met you and everything changed
Breaking the bars of loneliness in which I was caged
Shining through me, driving the darkness away
I was dazed and blinded but I can't look away

I hated you at first, being happy-go-lucky
Wandering into the treacherous path that you took so blindly
But your strength and courage, I came to admire
Saving your friends from crises so dire

But fate has its challenges breaking us apart
Even so, my love for you grew even more in my heart
To protect you from the evils that threaten
Is a promise that I swear would never be broken

And now as my body continue to crumble and weaken
I would use my whole strength to protect you even then
And even if my life slowly fades away
My unending love for you will always stay...

My Ballroom Dress XP

Yup. Here's the dress (only half body though... I don't have my camera phone anymore, remember? And I left the digicam at home... *sigh*)

I used the webcam to capture this photo...

Ballroom Dance Competition O.O

Yeah... So I've been busy at school, that's why I haven't got the chance to write anything these past few weeks...

And guess what! Though you really don't have to guess anymore, it's obvious in the title that WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BALLROOM DANCE COMPETITION!!! O.O I really suck at dancing... I wish I could dance gracefully like my friend, who seems to exert no effort at all when it comes to dancing... *SIGH* =.=

And I'm not sure whether the dress I bought is suitable for ballroom dancing... I just bought it because it's so kawaii!!! kyaa~ If I had my phone with me, I would have uploaded a photo of it here, but unfortunately, it was STOLEN... I think... Well, I noticed one of the outer zippers of my bag was open, so I assumed that someone stole it... *sob* *sob* It was a Sony Ericsson K700i for crying out loud! It's not like it's a brand new Nokia model or something... T.T

Aaaaand I strayed off topic. XP
Anyway... I just hope I'd perform the steps of the dance properly... It's all for the grade!!! >.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I think I'm... ADDICTED!!! Internet surfing.

The clock tells me it's already 12:50 a.m. and I have classes at 8 am tomorrow --- I mean, later! Oh no!

Gotta go to sleep! >.<
This is bad!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weird Dreams That I Had...

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch

I know, dreams are really supposed to be weird, unintelligible, symbolic, etc. But I can't help but be bugged about these two specific dreams of mine. I don't know why, but I keep dreaming about them over and over again (a few years back, actually).

Bizarre Dream #1:
I'm desperately running away from something. The setting is in a place quite deserted. I vaguely remember it being quite full of houses, empty ones.

And how the heck did I know that, you ask? Well, it is a dream after all. We know things that we aren't supposed to know... I think.

Anyway, back to the dream. I was running and running... Hiding behind houses, barrels. I remember I was very scared at what I was running away from. I really don't know what I was running from, but I just know that I have to run away from it.

The end? I don't really remember. The only details that I remember about the dream are these: I was chased by something that I was really scared of, and I have to run away from it to keep it from getting me [not so sure about this].


Bizarre Dream #2:
It's all over!!! There's a giant monster wreaking havoc in the city! I have to hide! But where?! It is now on its way to where I was hiding: a tall building about the size of the monster itself. My heart thudding, I wondered whether there are any survivors as well... But I can't risk being spotted by this monster!

Alas, the monster turned its head, and with a rush of adrenalin, I ran towards the other side of the road! There, I found my fellow survivors, and am quite surprised --- they are armed! Slingshots and crossbows in their hands, they told be their plan in slaying the humongous beast.

Making up my mind, I knew that I had no choice.

To stop it from destructing the whole city, we MUST slay it, to end this nightmare once and for all.

--Kind of what you would read from a sci-fi book, eh? Well, I think I was exaggerating a bit there... Hehe...
But I think, that's it... The reason why I had this dream may well be caused by my excessive reading of books (though not really sci-fi in nature).

Like the first dream, I'm also not entirely sure how i ended. And, like the first dream, I was also feeling scared, and nervous, like it was all real. But when I woke up and thought about the dream, I felt ridiculous feeling the way that I had.

OH WELL. They're weird all right.
But at least my life doesn't reflect how weird my dreams are. XD

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Shot At Photography

So I was at our garden, and I was holding our digicam. I was bored, so I took pictures of the house, the car, the sky, etc. just for fun. Then I suddenly got a spark of inspiration and took it seriously... I think I did good, after viewing all my shots. I wanted to show it here, but the internet connection's not really at its best this moment, so I think I'll just try to upload them again within the week.

To Tur A New Leaf

It's already twenty-eleven guys! And don't give me weird looks while thinking I must have skipped elemtary and did not learn how to count properly. Of course, I'm referring to the new year: 2011! Happy New Year, everyone!!!

When one hears of 'new year', one gets very excited, because with it comes the prospect of NEW life, a NEW beginning... a whole NEW year full of NEW opportunities and and adventure.

To keep up with the fast-changing times, one must be able to CHANGE along with it; for the only thing that is constant in this world is change...

So let us all think about the mistakes that we did the previous year --- wrongdoings, shortcomings, broken promises, all the lies and curses that came out of our lips, the people that we've hurt, physically or emotionally. Let us put them all into writing, and let the long list remind us of how we are all human beings: susceptible to sin, but capable of repenting and changing nonetheless.

Let us all turn a new leaf, so we may grow more beutifully as we continue to survive in this world where He planted us.