Saturday, April 27, 2013

Just another love stor---

We were sitting on the sand, my head on his shoulder. I don't know how many minutes, or even hours had passed. The sun has long set, and the stars had started to come out. A gentle breeze was blowing softly, and in my heart, something started to well up.

I looked at the man sitting beside me, his face as calm as the waters before us.

"Hey... What is happiness?"

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting the stars shining brightly above us. "Before I answer that..."


He looked sternly at ME.

Suddenly the dramatic setting that I created so hard vanished and everything turned white.

"Hey, don't you think that this pattern is already overused?"


"That's right! Don't you feel the cheesiness oozing from every word you wrote?"


"Have some originality, won't you?!"


S-sorry... I'll summon you guys again when I think of something... Sorry for disturbing you...

"Really. You should have thought about that beforehand."

"Sigh. I'm going to sleep."

And... POOF! They went back into the realms of conjured characters. Possibly never to be seen again.

I really hate being bullied by my own characters.

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