Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ballroom Dance Competition O.O

Yeah... So I've been busy at school, that's why I haven't got the chance to write anything these past few weeks...

And guess what! Though you really don't have to guess anymore, it's obvious in the title that WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BALLROOM DANCE COMPETITION!!! O.O I really suck at dancing... I wish I could dance gracefully like my friend, who seems to exert no effort at all when it comes to dancing... *SIGH* =.=

And I'm not sure whether the dress I bought is suitable for ballroom dancing... I just bought it because it's so kawaii!!! kyaa~ If I had my phone with me, I would have uploaded a photo of it here, but unfortunately, it was STOLEN... I think... Well, I noticed one of the outer zippers of my bag was open, so I assumed that someone stole it... *sob* *sob* It was a Sony Ericsson K700i for crying out loud! It's not like it's a brand new Nokia model or something... T.T

Aaaaand I strayed off topic. XP
Anyway... I just hope I'd perform the steps of the dance properly... It's all for the grade!!! >.

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