Sunday, January 2, 2011

To Tur A New Leaf

It's already twenty-eleven guys! And don't give me weird looks while thinking I must have skipped elemtary and did not learn how to count properly. Of course, I'm referring to the new year: 2011! Happy New Year, everyone!!!

When one hears of 'new year', one gets very excited, because with it comes the prospect of NEW life, a NEW beginning... a whole NEW year full of NEW opportunities and and adventure.

To keep up with the fast-changing times, one must be able to CHANGE along with it; for the only thing that is constant in this world is change...

So let us all think about the mistakes that we did the previous year --- wrongdoings, shortcomings, broken promises, all the lies and curses that came out of our lips, the people that we've hurt, physically or emotionally. Let us put them all into writing, and let the long list remind us of how we are all human beings: susceptible to sin, but capable of repenting and changing nonetheless.

Let us all turn a new leaf, so we may grow more beutifully as we continue to survive in this world where He planted us.

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