Monday, December 20, 2010

Kazemachi Jet (The Wind Waiting Jet) by Maaya Sakamoto

This song is from the anime adaptation of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, or simply called Tsubasa Chronicle.

I really like this song! I love its melody and lyrics, and the singer who sang it has a very beautiful voice.

Here is the lyrics (Japanese):
Ki ga tsuitenai kimi wa mada
Kinou sae kaeru chikara ga futari ni arutte koto

Wake mo nai no ni lonely
Namida ga hara hara to ochite
Aitai no wa hitori
Sora ni egaku hito kimi no koto da yo

Kono te wo te wo totte issho ni ikou yo
Te wo te wo nobashi kaze tsukamunda
Te wo te wo totte kowagaranaide
Te wo te wo tsunagu soshite toberu kimi to nara

Ki ga tsuitenai kimi wa mada
Itsuka mita ano akumu wa doko ni mo nai tte koto

Daiji ni shiteru memory
Sore mo ii kedo toki wa nagare
Iitai no wa tsumari
Motto tanoshii koto kimi ni okoru yo

Hora koe wo koe wo age hashiri dasou yo
Koe ni koe ni naru kobore ochiru
Koe wo koe wo age warai nagara
Koe ni koe ni shite suki to ieru ima nara

Kono te wo te wo totte issho ni ikou yo
Te wo te wo nobashi hoshi tsukamunda
Te wo te wo totte kowagaranaide
Te wo te wo tsunagu kimi to doko made mo

Ki ga tsuitenai kimi wa mada
Sekai sae kaeru chikara ga ai ni wa arutte koto

And its translation in English:
You have yet to realize
There are two forces that can change yesterday

Without a reason to be lonely
Tears falling freely
There is one whom I want to meet
That is you, who paints in the sky

That hand, take it and let's go together
Reach out your hand and catch the wind
Take my hand and don't be afraid
Tie our hands together and let's fly, with you

You have yet to realize
The nightmare that you have always seen is not anywhere

The memory that you hold dear
That is fine as well because time flies
The thing you want to say
You will have fun memories too

Look, raise your voice and let's run
Let it become your voice and spill over
Raise your voice and smile
Make it your voice and say you love me, right now

That hand, take it and let's go together
Reach out your hand and catch the stars
Take my hand and don't be afraid
Tie our hands together and let's fly, with you

You have yet to realize
The force that can change the world is when there is love

Listen as you please. ^^
Enjoy! :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chapter 1: Sakuno Ryuzaki

[Continuation of the "Prologue", my first untitled story.... Enjoy hehe...]


Heads turned as a pink limousine parked just in front of the gates of one of the most prestigious school in the country: Seishun Gakuen. Actually, this should not be an attention-catcher due to the fact that this school has been chosen by most prominent and rich families for their children who would arrive in luxurious cars, mainly limos. But what made heads turn by the arrival of this supposed-to-be-normal limo? Simple: Because more than a dozen black cars, which are obviously cars for security, surround it. Not long after, tough-looking security guards (as expected) got out from which all wore similar black uniforms and shades. Then, the driver (who was wearing a WHITE uniform this time) got out and opened one of the car doors. A pretty girl with long, brown hair in a headband, dark brown eyes that was almost black, and in a high school uniform got out. One of the security guards (which appeared to be the “leader”) came to talk to her.
“Ryuzaki-san, you have nothing to worry about anymore. Your parents made sure that the accident before would not happen again. Please be rest assured that we will do our best to protect you, may it be outside or inside the school and-“
“Eh? You’ll even follow me INSIDE the school?” She peered inside the school and discovered students staring… at her car, at her “security guards” and their cars, then finally, at HER…
“Yes. We would make sure that the accident-“
“No, no need to do that! I’m fine, really! Anyway, that’s not really an accident. I assure you that I can manage. Please just stay outside”, she looked around the tangle of black cars and security guards, “and kindly reduce the number of security guards… the highway is almost completely blocked, you know…”
“But, Ryuzaki-san, we are strictly following orders-“
“No really, I’m fine! The security’s already tight here at Seishun anyway, isn’t it? No need to worry!”
“No buts! I promise I’ll let you know if something happens.”
“Er… If you say so, Ryuzaki-san…”
Sakuno smiled. “It’s okay, Rei-san. I’ll call my parents to let them know that I made you go back, okay?”
“Hmm… Okay, Ryuzaki-san. Additional guards will be sent back, but I’ll stay. If you’re in trouble, just call us, okay?”
“Mm-m. Promise, I will. Ja!”
“Take care, Ryuzaki-san.”
Rei bowed and got into the car, while the “additional guards” went out of sight, probably receiving orders from Rei. Meanwhile, Rei positioned his car just beside the gate’s entrance.
That was close… Really, just because of a small accident… Sakuno thought, as she entered the gates of the school. Eyes were still on her as she walked.
Ehhh… This is embarrassing… Why are they all staring at me??? She thought again, while trying to look ahead and ignore her feelings of insecurities.
And before she knew it, she was hugged from behind by a person she well knows.
The girl called Tomo-chan released her finally and went beside her, and they continued to walk.
“Sakuno, what was that all about?”
“What was, Tomo-chan?”
“That large number of security surrounding your limo… It’s not about THAT, is it?”
“Actually, I guess it is.”
“EH?!!! Just because of that particularly small incident?! How did they know anyway?”
Sakuno shrugged. “No idea. But my parents suddenly called and forced me to be checked-up by the family doctor. The boy was even brought for questioning by sent detectives…”
“NANI?!!! Just for accidentally hitting you with a ball?!”
Sakuno nodded. “Well, you know how my parents are, right? Totally overreacting over trivial things.”
“Hmmm… You got a point there. Anyway, did you watch the new TV show last night where…”
And on they talked, or maybe Tomoka Osakada alone did, while walking on the paved way toward the high school building.
Meanwhile, another luxurious car arrives and stops in front of the school gates.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A View About Life

Life is more beautiful than we give it credit for.

Like this picture. When you see the same view in person, you would really admire it. But due to technical faults, the beauty nature presents us with decreases significantly. Let us see through our own eyes, hear through our own ears, smell through our own nose, speak through our own mouth, and feel through our own perceptive senses. Let us not be misguided by evils disguised as worldly possessions. Let not the views and opinions of people around us matter, but what we truly feel and think.

Life is beautiful, and let not a faulty camera hinder you from seeing it as it is.

[the photo is taken by my old phone's camera. it's too old, it doesn't even have zooming functions. oh well. what is a cellular phone but another of those worldly possessions, right? :D)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dandelion wishes ^^

I was on my way to school when I saw these growing on the side path... I wanted to show it to my friend, but it was windy, and so naughty Mr. Wind blew all its "feathers" away... :(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I feel bad...

I think I've done something wrong this time... I ignored my roommate when she asked me a favor...

Earlier, at 5:30, I was about to go home when my roommate texted me. It was raining the whole afternoon, and she asked me to wait for her at our school's lobby until 6:30, since she forgot her umbrella. I told my friend who was with me at that time, and asked her of I should go. She told me, "EH? Until 6:30??? Do you want to wait for her for one hour? Besides, the rain has softened down a bit. It's alright to walk under this light drizzle."

So ignoring my conscience that's bugging me, I went home, after stopping at a burger joint near our school. I was even discussing with my friend the lie that I should tell my roommate when she asks me why I didn't wait for her.

I got home, acted as if nothing happened, and dreaded for the coming of my roommate. (We were three in the room, my other roommate was already there.) Then I heard footsteps. And... my roommate opened the door, slammed down her things, and didn't even look at me (I was by my bed, which is near the door). At this point, I could clearly hear my conscience saying, "See? Told you."

But instead of apologizing, I still acted as if nothing happened, as if I didn't receive any texts. I talked to her, and she talked to me, without any hint of bitterness or resentment. But my shame for what I've done overcame me, and I ended up telling her that I got her message late, and she just said, "Ah." and never talked about it again. I knew better than to worsen the situation and fabricate more lies, so I just kept my mouth shut.

That roommate of mine was really nice to me. She had shared with me her food, and did me a lot of favors, and I still did this to her. I'm the worst! I feel really guilty right now, as she still treated me the same even if I'd done something bad.

LESSON: Do not EVER forget your umbrella if it's raining outside. JK! XP

LESSON (for real!): Never hesitate to help a friend, or even a stranger. Just imagine if you were the one in need; wouldn't you be really thankful for that person who had especially went out of his / her way just to help you?

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hey guys... Um...
Can you leave a comment please?
Even just a single comment, I'd be happy!
Positive or negative... Pretty pleeease ...

My Favorite Mangaka ^^

I really love Chiba Kozue!

I first read her work "7th Period Is A Secret", and I absolutely loved it!!! :D
The story is simple, but one of a kind, and the artwork is also worth noting. She's my idol! Hehe...

I strongly recommend that you read her work if you're into genres like shoujo, school life, romance, and slice of life...

You can read her works here:
Chiba Kozue's Works (MangaFox)

Enjoy! ^^


Let's CRAM!!! XD

Only a few days more and it's already exams!!! But I have absolutely no plan of reviewing at all... Hehe...

Anyway, even if I try to review, my mind would still wander off somewhere, and I would end up wasting my time... So... it's better to do what you want to do now, than do something you don't really wanna do and waste your time. Right, right??? Hehe...

~mai^^'s wisdom for the day... XD

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Prologue

So... Here is one of the stories that I have been writing before but stopped (because of laziness >_<")...

I haven't got a title for this one yet... And anyway, it;s only the prologue...

Please enjoy! Douzo! XP

The Prologue

“Eh, so you’re just here, sleeping all this time?”

A young girl asked the boy about her age who was lying peacefully under one of the many shady trees around the remarkably spacey garden. The boy stirred, then stifled a yawn.

“Nani? Do you need something, Sacchan?”

”I told you! Don’t call me that! Call me by my first name!”

The young boy sat up from his lying position and scratched his head.

“Your first name, huh? Eeto… What was that again? Sa…na? Sa…cchi? Sa---“

The young girl stomped her foot impatiently. “Quit fooling around!”

“Oh, I think I finally remembered! It’s Saku…”the young girl held her breath, hoping that the boy finally remembered, “…ra, right?!”

Veins popped at the girl’s forehead. “It’s Sakuno!!! SA-KU-NO!!! Don’t you dare forget it again!!!”

The young boy stood up. “Right. Let’s go then inside and get something to eat, ne,” he held the girl’s hand,”…Sakuno-chan?”

The young girl blushed. Then, the boy suddenly ran toward the big house, while the girl was forced to run and follow him, her hand still being held by the boy; but she seemed not to mind while continuing to blush and smile.

“Don’t tell me you’re hungry again, R---“

The young girl stopped dead in her tracks. The surroundings suddenly became dark. The girl’s hand slipped from the boy’s grip but he seemed not to notice. He just continued to run. The young girl became scared. The boy was running farther and farther away from her. She wanted to scream… to call the boy back… but upon opening her mouth, she realized she had lost her voice… moreover, she realized that she did not know the boy’s name…


This is not a POT (Prince of Tennis) fanfiction! I just used their names coz, well... I can't think of any other japanese names during that time... And I love to use Japanese names for my characters, so... heehee XP

I'll post a disclaimer anyway, just in case. *sigh*.

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis, especially Ryoma Echizen. I'd be more than glad if I did. *sigh*.

Typesetting ^^

I work for two manga scanlation group, what a hassle... heehee XP

I just hope it's not prohibited at all... Otherwise... >_<"

Good luck to me! Yoshi! :DD

(Wonder why I suddenly posted this out of the blue? Hmm. No reason at all. Just wanted to post something for the night. XD)

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Prize! (of the bet XD)

Here it is! Yum!
It's kind of ruined, but the taste doesn't change!
Want some? XD


A Bet! >:D

Our teachers gave us tons of assignments during our week-long vacation! And I was looking forward to having such a carefree and stress-free vacation away from schoolwork and stuff too T.T
But a day before our break, my friend made a bet with me. She was so used to see me cram in doing assignments that she grew tired of it XP That's why she said:
"If you do your assignments on time and I do not see you cram assigmants at school, I'll buy you a slice of cake. But if you lose, you should buy me my favorite street food."

HAH! Does she know what she's doing? With a slice of cake at stake, I am never bound to lose! Wahaha! Of course, I accepted the bet.

It's been a week now. I have finished all my assignments on time.
I shall have my cake later! WAHAHA (evil laugh)...

To be continued...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stories that have no end...

So... I have a habit of thinking up weird concepts that, when I have enough inspiration, would turn into a Word Document in my laptop XP

But that's the problem... When I lose the inspiration, I just leave it like that - a hanging story.

And why am I blogging about this? No reason. Hehe XP

Maybe I'll post some of my unfinished works here? Hmm...

My First Post

My very first post... YAY!!!
Guess what made me decide to finally open my blog and post something...

A manga called "Koko Ni Iru Yo"... XP
Try to read it, guys... It's actually good! :D