Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chapter 1: Sakuno Ryuzaki

[Continuation of the "Prologue", my first untitled story.... Enjoy hehe...]


Heads turned as a pink limousine parked just in front of the gates of one of the most prestigious school in the country: Seishun Gakuen. Actually, this should not be an attention-catcher due to the fact that this school has been chosen by most prominent and rich families for their children who would arrive in luxurious cars, mainly limos. But what made heads turn by the arrival of this supposed-to-be-normal limo? Simple: Because more than a dozen black cars, which are obviously cars for security, surround it. Not long after, tough-looking security guards (as expected) got out from which all wore similar black uniforms and shades. Then, the driver (who was wearing a WHITE uniform this time) got out and opened one of the car doors. A pretty girl with long, brown hair in a headband, dark brown eyes that was almost black, and in a high school uniform got out. One of the security guards (which appeared to be the “leader”) came to talk to her.
“Ryuzaki-san, you have nothing to worry about anymore. Your parents made sure that the accident before would not happen again. Please be rest assured that we will do our best to protect you, may it be outside or inside the school and-“
“Eh? You’ll even follow me INSIDE the school?” She peered inside the school and discovered students staring… at her car, at her “security guards” and their cars, then finally, at HER…
“Yes. We would make sure that the accident-“
“No, no need to do that! I’m fine, really! Anyway, that’s not really an accident. I assure you that I can manage. Please just stay outside”, she looked around the tangle of black cars and security guards, “and kindly reduce the number of security guards… the highway is almost completely blocked, you know…”
“But, Ryuzaki-san, we are strictly following orders-“
“No really, I’m fine! The security’s already tight here at Seishun anyway, isn’t it? No need to worry!”
“No buts! I promise I’ll let you know if something happens.”
“Er… If you say so, Ryuzaki-san…”
Sakuno smiled. “It’s okay, Rei-san. I’ll call my parents to let them know that I made you go back, okay?”
“Hmm… Okay, Ryuzaki-san. Additional guards will be sent back, but I’ll stay. If you’re in trouble, just call us, okay?”
“Mm-m. Promise, I will. Ja!”
“Take care, Ryuzaki-san.”
Rei bowed and got into the car, while the “additional guards” went out of sight, probably receiving orders from Rei. Meanwhile, Rei positioned his car just beside the gate’s entrance.
That was close… Really, just because of a small accident… Sakuno thought, as she entered the gates of the school. Eyes were still on her as she walked.
Ehhh… This is embarrassing… Why are they all staring at me??? She thought again, while trying to look ahead and ignore her feelings of insecurities.
And before she knew it, she was hugged from behind by a person she well knows.
The girl called Tomo-chan released her finally and went beside her, and they continued to walk.
“Sakuno, what was that all about?”
“What was, Tomo-chan?”
“That large number of security surrounding your limo… It’s not about THAT, is it?”
“Actually, I guess it is.”
“EH?!!! Just because of that particularly small incident?! How did they know anyway?”
Sakuno shrugged. “No idea. But my parents suddenly called and forced me to be checked-up by the family doctor. The boy was even brought for questioning by sent detectives…”
“NANI?!!! Just for accidentally hitting you with a ball?!”
Sakuno nodded. “Well, you know how my parents are, right? Totally overreacting over trivial things.”
“Hmmm… You got a point there. Anyway, did you watch the new TV show last night where…”
And on they talked, or maybe Tomoka Osakada alone did, while walking on the paved way toward the high school building.
Meanwhile, another luxurious car arrives and stops in front of the school gates.

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